Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sorry For The Lack of Posting

My apologies dear readers for my lack of posting this past week or so. It was due to a combination of lots of work (which involves writing), the end of winter blahs and hitting a bit of a wall with this diet.

The wall that I have hit is namely salad. I am sick to death of salad, especially what, on this diet, is considered salad. Anything really interesting that you might put into a salad (peppers, broccoli, asparagus, even tomatoes) is considered a vegetable serving, and you are limited to two one cup vegetable servings at dinner only. The unlimited salad vegetables are essentially lettuce (including spinach and cabbage), cucumbers, parsley (which I don't even consider a vegetable so they are cheating there), celery, radishes, sprouts, mushrooms and zucchini. After a month and a half on this program I would be happy to never see a cucumber again, and I have decided that I really don't like radishes. I have tried to change things up with the dressing, but even that has gotten old - there only so many good low fat or no fat dressings out there.

So, I found myself less than inspired to write. Hopefully though I will be a little less depressed in the weeks ahead as the days get longer and the air warmer and the thought of baring skin in summer clothing will get me inspired again and make cucumber seem not so bad.

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