Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Weigh or Not To Weigh

I have always been anti-scale. I believe weight to be a somewhat irrelevant number. For instance, when I was in my teens and early twenties and was a size two, I weighed 120-125 pounds - pretty heavy for a size 2. I've always gone more by how I feel, how clothes fit me, etc.

But, many people have made the suggestion over the past few weeks that if I am taking this diet thing seriously (and blogging about it), I should be weighing myself so I can give a more accurate account of my weight loss. Thus, I went out over the weekend and bought one of those fancy scales that not only does weight, but body fat percentage and body mass index. I gingerly stepped on it Sunday morning......and was immediately demoralized.

I knew I had put some weight on, but I didn't know I had become a frigging hippo! I was even thinking I had already lost some weight because my jeans were not quite so snug. I can't bring myself to post the actual number, but let's just say I am almost 40 pounds heavier than Jeremy (and I mean the boyfriend, not the cat!). I stood there and cried for about half an hour and was in a deep funk all day Monday. I am feeling a bit better today, but am still just appalled at the number that I saw.

I will continue to weigh myself in order to give a more accurate account of my results, but I am going back to my belief that weight is a somewhat irrelevant number.

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