Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And so it begins

Welcome! It has taken me a bit of time, but after much hemming and hawing I have finally decided to start blogging. Yes, a little late to the game, but then I usually am slow to pick up on this techie stuff.

Initally, I will mainly be posting about my experiences as a foodie on a diet. After watching my ass grow ever larger over the last few years, I decided it was time to do something, anything to lose some weight. While I realize I will never be a size 2 or even a size 4 again, revisiting a size 6 would be nice. So, with consent from the boy (because he would no longer be getting home cooked meals every night) I signed up for one of those programs which sends you all your food.

I am now two weeks in and have to admit, the food is not so bad. With the exception of one thing (which could have been the most disgusting thing I have ever put in my mouth - no jokes from the peanut gallery please) most of the food has been pretty good. Granted, it is nothing I would eat were I not dieting, but it is nothing that makes you wonder "how are people are supposed to eat this crap."

So, I ask you to join me on this little adventure of mine. I hope you enjoy reading about it!


  1. Welcome!

    Dying to know what the disgusting food was.

  2. Believe it or not, chicken salad. It surprised me because it seems like that would be something relatively easy to make and prepackage. It was horrific though and I have it on good authority that the tuna is equally as bad.
